Is your file storage like most typical solutions with multiple filing drawers and cabinets and rooms full of banker boxes?
Do you ever need to find a specific file for a client and feel like you’re searching for a needle in a haystack?
And then once you finally find that elusive (and of course in your case the file that just happened to be filed in the opposite location of where it should have been) you have to then scan it to send?

Do you find yourself at this point frustrated with life?

Do you find yourself at this point frustrated with life when you are at the end of your rope and the scanner chokes up and jams on a hidden staple and you have to restart the scan all over again?
Or When you missed a sticky note covering vital info and have to go through the sometimes massive files to find that one page with that one sticky note?
If you can answer yes to any or all of these questions we have the solution just for you!

EcoScan is a file and document management service that will come and pick up all of your files and maybe not fix all of your life struggles but will certainly help by eliminating all of your unnecessary work stresses. After picking up all of your files EcoScan quickly and efficiently scans, OCRs, and proof checks every file before shredding. EcoScan will then give you access to all of your files in the cloud. After you have reviewed them and we have been assured of your 100% satisfaction EcoScan will then shred all the physical files and send you the proof of shredding.
With EcoScan, you will be able to complete that entire formerly excruciating process of finding and scanning files in a matter of seconds and keep that smile on your face the entire duration. With a simple flourish of the fingertips as you type in the name of the file and a few clicks of the index finger, you’ll have the desired files on the screen in front of you! You will even be able to retrieve the needed files while out of the office since you will be able to access the cloud from anywhere! And all that follows is to share the file with the expectant client and impress them with your competence and speed!

Call or email EcoScan today at 540.216.0030 or to set up your free estimate!
- Featured picture: Promo Editing
- Image 1: Promo Editing
- Image 2: Promo Editing
- Image 3: Promo Editing
- Image 4: Wells Photography
#scanning #documentmanagement #filestorage #shredding #organization #filemanagement #EcoScan
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